Friday, December 9, 2011

England Etiquitte


1.       Destriska Erintiyani
2.    Liza Zahro’il Minani
3.     Sadarwati
4.    Za’idatul Uyun Akrami


Meeting and Greeting
  • The handshake is the common form of greeting.
  • The British might seem a little stiff and formal at first.
  • Avoid prolonged eye contact as it makes people feel uncomfortable.
  • There is still some protocol to follow when introducing people in a business or more formal social situation. This is often a class distinction, with the 'upper class' holding on to the long-standing traditions:
  • Introduce a younger person to an older person.
  • Introduce a person of lower status to a person of higher status.
  • When two people are of similar age and rank, introduce the one you know better to the other person.
Gift Giving Etiquette
  • The British exchange gifts between family members and close friends for birthdays and Christmas.
  • The gift need not be expensive, but it should usually demonstrate an attempt to find something that related to the recipient’s interests.
  • If invited to someone's home, it is normal to take along a box of good chocolates, a good bottle of wine or flowers.
  • Gifts are opened when received.
Dining Etiquette
  • Unlike many European cultures, the British enjoy entertaining in people their homes.
  • Although the British value punctuality, you may arrive 10-15 minutes later than invited to dinner. However, if going to a restaurant be on time.
  • Table manners are Continental, i.e. the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating.
  • The fork is held tines down so food is scooped on to the back of the fork. This is a skill that takes time to master.
  • Remain standing until invited to sit down. You may be shown to a particular seat.
  • Do not rest your elbows on the table.
  • If you have not finished eating, cross your knife and fork on your plate with the fork over the knife.
  • Indicate you have finished eating by laying your knife and fork parallel across the right side of your plate.
  • Toasts are given at formal meals.
  • When in a pub, it is common practice to pay for a round of drinks for everyone in your group.
  • If invited to a meal at a restaurant, the person extending the invitation usually pays. Do not argue about the check; simply reciprocate at a later time.
The Handshake

A handshake is the most common form of greeting among the English and British people and is customary when you are introduced to somebody new.

The Kiss
It is only when you meet friends, whom you haven't seen for a long time, that you would kiss the cheek of the opposite sex. In Britain one kiss is generally enough.

Formal greetings
The usual formal greeting is a 'How do you do?' and a firm handshake, but with a lighter touch between men and women.
‘How do you do?’ is a greeting not a question and the correct response is to repeat ‘How do you do?' You say this when shaking hands with someone.
First person "How do you do?"
Second person " How do you do?"
'How are you?' is a question and the most common and polite response is "I am fine thank you and you?"
First person "How are you?"
Second person "I am fine thank you and you?"
Nice to meet you – Nice to meet you too. (Often said whilst shaking hands)
Delighted to meet you– Delighted to meet you too.
Pleased to meet you – Pleased to meet you too. .
Glad to meet you - Glad to meet you too
Good Morning / Good Afternoon / Good Evening
Informal greetings
Formal 'n Informal Greeting
Hi - Hi or hello
Morning / Afternoon / Evening ( We drop the word 'Good' in informal situations).
How's you? - Fine thanks. You?
Thank you / thanks / cheers
We sometime say 'cheers' instead of thank you. You may hear 'cheers' said instead of 'good bye', what we are really saying is 'thanks and bye'.
The British have been historically known for their stiff upper lip and “blitz spirit” as demonstrated during the German bombings of World War II. This ‘grin and bear’ attitude in the face of adversity or embarrassment lives on today.
As a nation, the Brits tend not to use superlatives and may not appear terribly animated when they speak. This does not mean that they do not have strong emotions; merely that they do not choose to put them on public display. They are generally not very openly demonstrative, and, unless you know someone well, may not appreciate it if you put your arm around their shoulder. Kissing is most often reserved for family members in the privacy of home, rather than in public. You'll see that the British prefer to maintain a few feet of distance between themselves and the person to whom they are speaking. If you have insulted someone, their facial expression may not change.
The British are very reserved and private people. Privacy is extremely important. The British will not necessarily give you a tour of their home and, in fact, may keep most doors closed. They expect others to respect their privacy. This extends to not asking personal questions. The question, “Where are you from?” may be viewed as an attempt to “place” the person on the social or class scale. Even close friends do not ask pointedly personal questions, particularly pertaining to one’s financial situation or relationships.
There is a proper way to act in most situations and the British are sticklers for adherence to protocol. The British are a bit more contained in their body language and hand gestures while speaking. They are generally more distant and reserved than North and South Americans and Southern Europeans, and may not initially appear to be as open or friendly. Friendships take longer to build; however, once established they tend to be deep and may last over time and distance.


Everyday dress is appropriate for most visits to peoples' homes. You may want to dress more formally when attending a holiday dinner or cultural event, such as a concert or theatre performance.


Language in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom does not have a constitutionally defined official language. English is the main language (being spoken monolingually by more than 70% of the UK population) and is thus the de facto official language. Other native languages to the Isles include Welsh, Irish, Ulster Scots, Cornish, Gaelic and British Sign Language. Immigrants have naturally brought many foreign languages from across the globe. 
In Britain, the main language is English (British English). It is not the same as American or Australian English. 'Hi mate' is not the correct and appreciated way to approach someone in the street. Neither is 'G'day', 'Howdy' or 'Hey Mister'. The formal British way to greet someone is 'Good morning, good afternoon or good evening' and, if you want to ask something, 'Excuse me please'. Most people in Britain usually say' hello' or 'hi' when they greet someone. Not everyone in Britain speaks with a plummy English accent, like Hollywood wants you to believe. No-one sounds like Dick van Dyke in the film, Mary Poppins.


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